Terms of Use and Privacy Statement

Terms of Use

SearchDome.com and most of SearchDome's eBay search tools are free. You are free to use SearchDome.com "as is". SearchDome makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its contents. SearchDome does not warrant that the SearchDome site will meet your needs, or that they will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free.

By joining SearchDome you are giving SearchDome permission to send you emails. You may Opt-Out of SearchDome email notifications at anytime by clicking the unsubscribe link.

SearchDome reserves the right to revoke and prohibit users from using this service at any time.

SearchDome limits the number of free searches a user can save and automate. By limiting the number of saved searches per user we insure everyones searches are run on a timely basis. This also prohibits any one user from consuming a majority of SearchDome resources.

Privacy Statement

SearchDome will not disclose or sell email addresses or personal information to any 3rd Party.

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